Science in Session Oct. 11, 2022 | Now, New, Next Oct. 12–14, 2022
Interested in bringing a group of 5 or more? Reach out to us before registering for a special offer!
Need help registering?
Contact us at or 202-624-1747. Open weekdays 9:00 am – 5:00 pm ET, excluding holidays.

1 Includes Tuesday breakfast, lunch, two coffee breaks, and opening night reception
2 Includes opening night reception; Wednesday breakfast, lunch, one coffee break, and evening reception; Thursday breakfast, lunch, one coffee break, and evening closing reception; Friday breakfast
3 Includes all meal events listed for both Science in Session & Now, New, Next
4 Includes Tuesday breakfast, lunch, two coffee breaks, and opening night reception; Wednesday breakfast, lunch, one coffee break, and evening reception
* Spouses/guests are invited to all meal events but not general sessions or speakers except for Friday morning “Breakfast with…”
Cancellation Policy
Should you need to cancel, if you do so by August 15, 2022 you will receive a full refund, minus a 10% administrative fee. Cancellations between August 15 and September 12, 2022 will receive a full refund, minus a 35% administrative fee. There will be no refunds provided if cancellation occurs after September 12, 2022 (5 pm ET). If you need to cancel after September 12, 2022 due to extenuating circumstances, please contact Maya English (
Health and Safety
As the situation regarding COVID-19 continues to evolve, CRN will continue to monitor local, state, and federal health and safety requirements. Both CRN and the conference venue will follow all local, state, and federal requirements in place at the time the 2022 Science in Session and Now, New, Next is held. If you have any questions regarding health and safety protocols, please contact Maya English at