Q3 2024: CRN launches 'Responsible' campaign, advocates for increased access to supplements in the U.S. and globally, advances New York litigation—and more


During Q3 2024, CRN continued its proactive work on multiple fronts, driving supplement industry initiatives, fighting back against age restriction proposals in the states, advocating for science-based policymaking in the U.S. and internationally at Codex, while supporting consumer access and responsible industry growth.

Below is a summary of the team's achievements aligned with CRN’s strategic goals. This page includes links to the content referenced in our Q3 2024 Industry Impact printable one-page summary.

Following is a brief recap of CRN’s impactful work for its members during Q3 in each of the areas of our strategic plan: 

Expanding Self-Regulatory Initiatives

  • CRN launched a self-regulation awareness campaign, "Responsible. It's Our Middle Name,"emphasizing the importance of internal compliance programs and encouraging member participation in strengthening the dietary supplement industry's credibility. The campaign celebrates the range of self-regulatory opportunities CRN provides its members, invites the rest of the industry to follow our lead, and reminds members to consult these programs to assure their ongoing compliance. Strong self-regulation demonstrates the industry’s commitment to our consumers and strengthens the industry’s credibility.
  • CRN's board of directors adopted the "Considerations for Manufacturers of Gummy Dietary Supplements" proposed by the Gummy Form Task Force, with edits. The board also directed the "Considerations" document to be available to members only as opposed to being open to the public “Considerations” documents do not provide recommendations often provided by CRN voluntary guidelines and best practices, but instead serve as resources to inform firms’ practices as applicable. As such, adherence to these considerations is not mandatory and there is not an implementation timeline.

Influencing Public Policy

  • CRN filed an appellate brief in its ongoing lawsuit against New York’s age-restriction law, defending the industry’s right to make truthful product claims under First Amendment protections.
  • CRN continued opposition to age restriction proposals in states including California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Bills in California and Massachusetts were defeated when their legislatures failed to move the legislation by the deadlines.
  • CRN provided feedback on the Dietary Supplement Listing Act, addressing mandatory product listing, voicing concerns over potential burdens on innovation while highlighting areas of agreement for future regulatory frameworks.
  • CRN-International held its annual symposium just prior to the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), convening stakeholders for discussions around the theme, Food Is Medicine: The Role of Nutrition In Extending Healthspan.
  • CRN supported the Brazilian Authority's ruling affirming the safety of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in food and supplements, highlighting global regulatory harmonization. 
  • CRN helped defeat a proposal at the CCNFSDU that would have started work for the global organization to define probiotics. The proposal could have led to systematic review of claims associated with probiotics and restrictions on whether products could even be called a “probiotic.”

Improving Consumer Access

Cultivating Positive Public Perceptions

  • CRN responded to a JAMA Botanical Use Survey, pointing to widespread use of herbal supplements confirming safety, despite alarmist headlines, issuing a member alert and providing the industry with facts to counter misinterpretations.
  • CRN celebrated in leadership within its member community through the Trailblazing Women Award, presented with Radicle Science, spotlighting finalists via social media and newsletter coverage prior to the announcement of the winner at its CONVERGENCE.
  • As part of the CRN and ASNF’s Program for Scholars (CAPS) two students were awarded support to attend Science in Session. 

Expanding Membership and Educational Offerings


2024 Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements data now available

CRN fielded its annual Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements with Ipsos in August, with thousands of datapoints now available for purchase as part of the survey package. The CRN survey is value-priced for 2024 at just $2,500. Learn more and purchase here.

CRN Members highlighted via 'Profiles in Leadership' and 'Experts Explain'

Executives from Specnova, BIO-CAT, Vitaquest, and Hilma were featured during Q3 in CRN's Profiles in Leadership series. CRN's Experts Explain series featured member Q&As on enhancing prenatal nutrition awareness through research and collaboration with Balchem, navigating packaging innovation with Klöckner Pentaplast, and balancing innovation and compliance in dietary supplement advertising, with Amin Wasserman Gurnani.

CRN hosts CONVERGENCE '24 with Science in Session, WellComms and the inaugural Innovation Exchange

CRN presented its annual events at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City at the beginning of Q4, October 9–11. See preliminary reporting from the events here, with more to come in our Q4 report after the end of 2024.

Science in Session and WellComms events